

Oil on lime stone, steel rods, pigment on wall paint

In the exhibition Between Image and Space – Monique S. Desto and Sofie Thorsen at the Klocker Museum in Hall in Tyrol, a series of recent engravings on stone are installed together with a number of steel rods and some snap line drawings on the wall. The installation was specially developed for the complex exhibition space in a medieval building and in an active interplay with the works in the exhibitions: Monique S. Destos‘ work Gebanne and the installation of stones and steel poles.
Unlike some of my other works, which use unstable and fragile materials such as paper, loosely applied pigment or temporary drawings on walls, stone is one of the most durable materials in art.


In the same way that I look at a place, a specific context (a museum, a village, an exhibition space), the stone is a space defined by its material and form. A fragment is different from a polished rectangle. What kind of event is possible here? What kind of line, what kind of figure, what kind of drawing can be on a material that is the opposite of paper? How can I engrave something that remains light, effortless, or that, despite the stability of the material, seems fragile and ephemeral? And how does the taut line of the steel rod or the quickness of the snap-line drawing relate to the loose , but slowly engraved lines on the stone slaps?


Between Image and Space – Monique S. Desto and Sofie Thorsen
Klocker Museum, Hall in Tyrol


String 80 cm
30x24 cm, engraving, oil on limestone