2 drawings, 75 × 800 cm each, gouache on paper, 2 tables.

The drawings Schlagschatten (Drehbuch oder Partitur) [Shadows (Script or Score)] are based on architectural drawings from the 1960s by the architect Vladimir Dedecek for the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava. The open-air cinema in this museum is also the subject of the short film Schnitt A-A‘ [Cut A-A‘], 2012.
The expressive architecture of the museum is a good example of the Slovakian architecture of the time, but only parts of the project were built. The focus of the drawings and the film is the elaborate surfaces and the graphical character of the architecture.
The drawings are based on the original elevations of the facades in two different stages of the project. They are composed of the cast shadows in the elevations, which form the rhythmical sequence of black shapes. The drawings are too big to be seen all at once and the viewer must take her time to walk along them.





Schnitt A-A’

Kunsthaus Graz

03.03. – 06.05.2012


Schnitt A-A’

Kunsthaus Baselland

19.05. – 15.07.2012


Ansicht, Schnitt
Mumok Kino




Installation view Ansicht, Schnitt Mumok